I Know that my Redeemer Liveth

We are excited to present another music video, this one produced in entirety by Andrea and Vanessa with some drone footage by Brandon. I think they did great for their first music video! Andrea loves making videos and has dreams of making short films. She made a few simple films and in the future I might post some on our YouTube channel.

The song “I Know that my Redeemer Liveth” is woven into our family’s story. Amanda chose it to be sung at her baptism service just over a year before she died. We remembered this when we were making funeral plans and subsequently we sang it at her burial. This song felt like Amanda’s testimony and the confidence of a risen Savior gives us assurance we’ll see Amanda again.

Another step in the Journey

Since Amanda died we used her room as a guest room but left most of her things in the room. Sometimes I would linger in the room and the memories of her would feel more fresh. It was always hard to think of cleaning out the room but we’re hosting a foreign exchange student the next several months and we decided it time to clean out her things.

What's Happening on the Homestead
Patricia's green thumb is showing again with lots of healthy plants growing in the greenhouse.
Spring is a little slow coming and the garden is still covered in snow but there's lots growing in the greenhouse growing beds.
Our Great Pyrenees had pups this winter. They're cute but once there's nine pups following you around the barn its hard to do chores!
It's sap season
Farm Shows are Back

The annual Ottawa Valley Farm Show, where we always display the equipment we build in our welding shop, has been cancelled thee years in a row due to the pandemic. This March was the first show since 2019 and we made it a family affair like usual. I was taken aback when I discovered the younger children don’t even remember what a farm show is!

Amanda's memory quilt on display in the antique section of the farm show.
Brandon with our little 6 month old Victoria.
I had books and cheese presses on a corner of the table at the farm show and was surprised how much attention the cheese press attracted.


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Silent Night and The Empty Chair

We have two new music videos to share with you and some updates from the homestead. Vanessa and Andrea recorded “Silent Night”,

I Know that my Redeemer Liveth

We are excited to present another music video, this one produced in entirety by Andrea and Vanessa with some drone footage by

Bigger is our God, New Music Video

We are pleased to present another music video by Vanessa, “Bigger is our God,” written by Amos Raber. Someone shared with me