Wintertime and Answered Prayers

Last year we became part of a club, but not by our own choice. Loosing a child is what we have in common with other members. News of Amanda’s death traveled far and wide and we received numerous cards from other parents who lost a child. Recently an older man was in our home doing a property appraisal. Seeing the pictures of Amanda on the wall, he asked, “Did you loose a daughter?” A look of sadness came over his face and he said, “I lost a daughter 20 years ago. She was 24 years old.” A few weeks later he kindly sent me this note. I have been thinking of your daughter and I have an inkling of what your pain is. I am so sorry. Time does not heal all wounds but I believe that our memories are what keep us going and having other children is a blessing. Your kids are so nice. You are fortunate to have them.

The girls have been praying for a new baby for months. Finally their prayer is being answered, although we are still praying for a safe arrival.

We’re healing and we’re experiencing the joys of life but sorrow is still our constant companion. I wonder if life will ever be the same again. Even after the baby is born, we still won’t know how to answer the question of how many children we have.

Winter Scenes on the Farm

The old gate speaks of memories of better days.
Behind the barn on a frosty morning.
Brandon fixed up an old snowmobile and now there’s tracks all over the farm. Makes great walking trails.
Splitting firewood is good winter exercise.
Home-school Co-op day with another family. The girls learning geography playing “Canada-oply”.
Another two machines finished and ready for delivery. Our income comes from building these machines in the farm shop.
Our favorite old barn.
The power was off one stormy winter night.
We fired up the old cook-stove to keep the house warm and cook while the power was off.
I’m busy in my spare time, working at writing a book about Amanda and our family’s experiences of the last year. Hopefully next year sometime we’ll have it printed and ready for the market.
A very special quilt that Amanda had collected material for and was planning to work at in Markham while she waited for a heart transplant. Amanda died before she had a chance to get started. Now it’s become a community project with friends and family helping to make the patches and help quilting.
West view from our house. Beautiful skies make us think of heaven.


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6 thoughts on “Wintertime and Answered Prayers”

  1. Congratulations on expecting a new baby! When you are asked how many children you have, you say (#) at home & 1 in heaven!
    God does help us cope with the loss. Don’t let the devil steal your joy.

  2. Soooo thankful for the blessing of your new baby ! πŸ˜ŒπŸ™ Praying with you for the safe arrival .
    Thank you for keeping the updates on your precious family . Memories are also a precious gift to us at every season of our lives .
    β€œOne generation will tell the next , what God has done β€œ

  3. Praise the Lord, who allows the taking away, but also richly gives!
    Don’t let Tamara overdo the speed on that thing.
    We’re awaiting the book about Amanda’s temporal life. I’m sure it’s an intense experience writing it.
    Blessings from Nova Scotia.

  4. David and Patricia Wiens

    My brother died four years ago. My Mom still says she has three children. You are blessed to have another one on the way. Praise the Lord!!!

  5. Hi I taught a Galen Horst in a grade school near Beachburg. Are you the Galen I taught? That would have been many years ago.

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