Now Available!

Now Available!

Our new book, Chance & Change, has been released!

For those who have followed our family’s story, Chance & Change is now available for order, along with our daughter’s first album. Follow the links below to buy yours!

Guest Author

Amanda’s Old House

Guest post by Rebecca Weber: I am carrying a basket of clean clothes, nearing the senior residents’ entertainment room, when I hear it. Familiar music

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Guest Author

Summer of the Horsts

Guest post by Lois Reesor: How do you go about making new friends? Sometimes in very unexpected ways and unusual circumstances. Rumors about the Horst

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Galen Horst

Welcome Home Animals

We’ve reached another milestone in our journey, this week we brought our animals back to the farm. If you’ve been following our blog you know

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Galen Horst

Changing Seasons

It’s now three months ago, on the first day of summer, that our precious Amanda went to be with the Lord. Although we moved back

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